Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Day 4

Hello Everyone,

A friendly reminder that the Play Day forms are due tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 22nd 

Gym – Please see Ms. Yustins blog:
Healthy Snack
Language - Our sight word of the day is: the
Morning Circle - Days of the week, months of the year, today's weather, dress for the weather
Language continued - Students finished their sight word of the day work.
Library - Please see Ms. Hayward's blog  **Library books sent home today are due MONDAY, May 27th
Share a book with a friend - Students shared their library books with a friend.

Unit of Inquiry - Amphibians! Today we learned about Amphibians!  We learned how they spend the first part of their life under water and the second part of their life on land. 
Different types of amphibians:
Recess/ Lunch
Unit of Inquiry Continued - Life Cycle of a Frog
Students learned the life cycle of a frog in four stages:
stage 1: frogs lay eggs in a pond
stage 2: the eggs hatch and they turn into tadpoles.
stage 3: tadpoles grow legs and turn into 'froglets' 
stage 4: froglets grow four legs and they lose their tail and they turn into frogs. 

Story Time
French – Please see Mlle. Jessicas blog:
Pack up/ Dismissal

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