Monday, April 8, 2019

Day 2

Class/ School Notes:

- Please note, until the Shakespeare play takes place on May 9th, Day 6 will now be Day 2.
- SJA Wine and Cheese Social Event:

Monday, April 8th, 2019

Spelling Bee - We cheered on our friends who participated in the school Spelling Bee competition.

Healthy Snack 
Gym - Go Noodle in the Classroom!
Language - Journal Writing. Students practiced writing in their journals.  Today the topic was "My family".  Ms. Fisher wrote an example of what the journal pages write and how we start on the top row. 

 We practiced writing on the board and how we stay in the lines. 
Practicing using finger spaces after words:

Morning Circle – Calendar: days of the week, months of the year songs. Todays weather, dress for the weather.
Language continued - The JKs finished their journal writing. 
Math – This week we are learning about capacity as part of our Measurement unit!  Today we looked at different sizes of jars in the classroom and guessed by looking at their size, which one can hold more.  We then used cotton balls to fill them up to see exactly how many cotton balls each jar holds.  

Recess/ Lunch
Inquiry Centres
Story Time
French – Please see Mlle. Jessicas blog:

Pack up/ Dismissal

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