Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Day 2

Hello Everyone,

- Spring fundraiser Dance Party (Friday) update - Students who are attending the dance party are allowed to wear casual clothes for the day, as well as purchase treats.
- Please continue practicing spelling bee words as our class competition is taking place this Thursday.

Gym – Please see Ms. Yustins blog: http://sjaayustin.blogspot.com/
Healthy Snack
Language - Today we reviewed our jolly phonics songs throughout the year.  We also listed words that begin with each letter of the alphabet.  We also practiced some spelling bee words together. 
Recess/ Lunch
Music - Please see Mrs. MacMillan's blog.
Morning Circle – Calendar: days of the week, months of the year songs. Todays weather, dress for the weather.
Math – Today we began learning about height! we measured how tall we were by standing next to the whiteboard.  

Students on the carpet were given the task to make a tower as tall as they can using as many blocks as possible.  The goal of this task was for students to work together as a team and communicate how to make the tower as tall as possible. 

French – Please see Mlle. Jessicas blog: http://mllehousja.blogspot.com/
Recess/ Lunch
Inquiry Centres
Pie in the face!  Today Ms. Gandy's name was drawn to be pied in the face!

Pack up/ Dismissal

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