Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Day 2

Hello Everyone,

Art's Night Information:

Gym – Please see Ms. Yustins blog: http://sjaayustin.blogspot.com/
Art's Night Rehearsal!
We went to the dome to practice our Art's night song!

Ready to go on stage!
Recess/ Lunch

Morning Circle – Calendar: days of the week, months of the year songs. Todays weather, dress for the weather.
Sight words of the Day - I and in

 UOI- We gave our plants some water!  We talked about how plants also need sun to grow.  The JKs said we haven't had sun since we planted the seeds and we are hoping to have some sunshine soon!

Recess/ Lunch
Math - we reviewed the different coins using our class posters and the students played 'Supermarket' with the toy coins. 

Inquiry Centres
Story Time
Pack up/ Dismissal

Monday, April 29, 2019

Day 1

Hello Everyone,

Please see below for class updates:

Gym – Please see Ms. Yustins blog: http://sjaayustin.blogspot.com/
Healthy Snack
Language - Journal Writing "My favourite toy"
Students traced the sentence, copied the sentence, and drew their favourite toy.  We worked on remembering to start our sentence with a capital letter, and use finger spaces between words.

Recess/ Lunch

Morning Circle – Calendar: days of the week, months of the year songs. Todays weather, dress for the weather.
UOI - Green Bean Planting!  Today we planted our green bean plant seeds!  We had so much fun filling up our cups with soil and picking our own seed to plant!

Brain Break!
Sight Word of the Day - here

Recess/ Lunch
Inquiry Centres
Story Time
Pack up/ Dismissal