Welcome back to school! It was great to hear about the different trips and activities the JKs did over the break. Today is the first day of Term 3!
Please see class notes below:
Class Notes:
Math -We are starting our Measurement unit this week. An information letter regarding this unit is in your child's agenda.
Transportation Summative - Rubric and instructions for the Transportation summative are in your child's agenda. Presentations will take place Monday, April 15th and Tuesday, April 16th.
Spelling Bee – Spelling Bee lists and information was sent home along with the March Break Homework package. We will practice sometime in class, however, it is highly encouraged to practice with your child at home. Please see the information letter on how the spelling bee will run, or email me with any questions you may have. The top 6 students in JK will compete in the school competition on Monday, April 8th.
Spring Fundraiser - Next week is our annual Spring Fundraiser! The two forms were sent home in agendas today. There are two options for the spring fundraiser. Students may participate in one or the other, or both! :)
The below form is for the PlayTown! trip. Students who fundraise $40 can attend this trip on April 10th. By raising the $40, students get to fill out 4 ballots for a chance to pie a teacher in the face of their choice.
The below form is a sign-up for the spirit week. You check off which spirit day your child would like to participate in.
****Please note: BOTH forms are due this Thursday, March 28th.
Casual Day - This month's casual day will take place this Thursday, March 28th.
Bake Sale - Wednesday, March 27th and Thursday, March 28th.
Report Cards and Student Conferences- Report Cards are being sent home this Friday, March 29th. Parent-Teacher interviews take place next Thursday, April 4th. Sign-up instructions will be sent home tomorrow.
Report Cards and Student Conferences- Report Cards are being sent home this Friday, March 29th. Parent-Teacher interviews take place next Thursday, April 4th. Sign-up instructions will be sent home tomorrow.
I apologize for the information overload... Important dates above are also available on the class calendar google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FBH4e-isBMX3MwK6UEqwg9MEufApu_zdhxiGmlIzvsA/edit?usp=sharing
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Today, March 25th
Gym – Please see Ms. Yustin’s blog: http://sjaayustin.blogspot.com/
Healthy Snack
Language - Today we reviewed the Jolly phonics songs to refresh our memory.
Introduction to Spelling Bee
Students were introduced to how the spelling bee will run, and what to do and say. We discussed how a judge will ask them to say a word, and then the students say the word, spell it, and say the word again. For example:
Judge: "Please spell the word bat" student: "bat... b-a-t... bat"
Today we practiced some of the spelling bee words. Ms. Fisher wrote out the letters as the students said them to help with practicing recognition.
Recess/ Lunch
Music- Please see Mrs. MacMillan's blog
Morning Circle – Calendar: days of the week, months of the year songs. Today’s weather, dress for the weather.
Math – We reviewed our 2-Dimensional and 3-Dimensional shapes. We explored different 2-D shapes and the 3-Dimensional shapes we have in our class. Ex. our blocks, the kleenex box, lysol wipes container, a can of pop.
Recess/ Lunch
Inquiry Centres
Pack Up/Story Time
French – Please see Mlle. Jessica’s blog: http://mllehousja.blogspot.com/
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