Friday, March 29, 2019

Day 6

Hello Everyone,

Happy Friday!
Monday is 80's day for those who are participating. Tuesday is also Autism Awareness Day.  Students may wear the colour blue when they bring in $2.

Gym – Please see Ms. Yustins blog:
Healthy Snack
Language - Writing short words:

Recess/ Lunch
Morning Circle – Calendar: days of the week, months of the year songs. Todays weather, dress for the weather.
Math – We continued measuring classroom objects with the jewels and we also used the snap cubes.
UOI - We made boats!  The JKs designed boats and Ms. Fisher made them for the students. 

Recess/ Lunch
Inquiry Centres
Story Time
French – Please see Mlle. Jessicas blog:

Pack up/ Dismissal

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Day 5

Hello Everyone,

Upcoming dates:
Tuesday, April 2nd is Autism Awareness Day. Students are welcome to wear the colour blue when they bring in $2.  It is also popcorn day for those students who have paid.  
  • Fundraiser field trip form deadline has been extended to next Tuesday, April 2nd. 
  • Friday, April 5th we have a firetruck coming to visit the students as part of our Unit of Inquiry: Transportation

Thursday, March 28th. 
Gym – Please see Ms. Yustins blog:
Healthy Snack
Language - Spelling Bee practice. Today we practiced recognizing the letters in our spelling bee words to assist with memorization.  

Station 1: The spelling bee words were posted on the board and students used the magnetic letters to spell the words.


Station 2: Students picked different words and wrote them on the whiteboards.

Recess/ Lunch
Music- Please see Mrs. MacMillan's blog
Morning Circle – Calendar: days of the week, months of the year songs. Todays weather, dress for the weather.
Math – Measurement - Today we measured the length of our shoes.  

 We counted and recorded the length of the shoe using the jewels.

UOI Transportation - Today we learned different rules of the road. Eg. Stop at a stop sign, look both ways before crossing the street, walk on the sidewalk.  
Recess/ Lunch
Art - Fun with paint!

Inquiry Centres
Story Time
French – Please see Mlle. Jessicas blog:

Pack up/ Dismissal