Thursday, November 29, 2018

Thursday, Nov. 29th - Day 5

Hello Everyone,

  • A reminder the pick-a-time system is now live for the parent-teacher conferences happening on Dec. 6th.
  • Lunch orders for December close tomorrow at 3pm
  • Term 1 Report cards go home tomorrow.

Gym - please see Ms. Yustin's blog
Healthy Snack
Language - 
Students recited the jolly phonics songs and our letter of the week: D
Students also practiced forming the letter D in their phonics books:

Music- please see Mr. Flower's blog
Language continued
Math - Probability.  Yesterday we discussed cloudy with a chance of meatballs and the chance of this happening. Today we discussed probability language, for example, always, sometimes, and never.  We used school and our class as an example.
Below is what the students came up with:

Recess/ Lunch
Inquiry Centres 
French - Please see Mlle. Jessica's blog

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Tuesday, Nov. 27 - Day 4 (switched from day 3)

Hello everyone!

Gym- Please see Ms. Yustin's blog
Healthy Snack
Language- The students completed their letter search activity:

Morning Circle - Days of the week, months of the year, today's weather, dress for the weather.
Library - Please see Ms. Hayward's blog
Math - Sorting with Skittles!

Inquiry Centres
Pack Up/ Story Time
French- Please see Mlle. Jessica's blog

Monday, November 26, 2018

Monday, November 26th - Day 2

Hello everyone,

  • Pick A Time Information/ instruction sheets were sent home today in your child's agenda.  This system will be used for parents to book a time for parent-teacher conferences on Thursday, December 6th- The system goes live on Thursday, Nov. 29th. Please note this is a first come, first serve basis.  

  • December important dates have been updated on the class blog. 

  • Report Cards go home this Friday.  We will be discussing your child's report cards during the conferences on Dec. 6th. 

Gym- Please see Ms. Yustin's blog
Healthy Snack
Language- This week we are learning about the letter D!  Students learned the actions for the letter D jolly phonics song:
Music- Please see Mr. Flower's blog
Morning Circle - We discussed the days of the week, months of the year, today's weather, dress for the weather
Math- We sorted the items we wear in the sun, snow, and rain! Students also practiced their cutting skills.

Inquiry Centres
Pack Up/ Story Time
French - Please see Mlle. Jessica's blog

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Friday, November 23rd - Day 1

Hello everyone,

Happy Friday!

Weekend homework: practice putting on snow pants and jacket independently.  :)

For language, the students created monster letter M's!!  We have some scary monsters, friendly monsters, dotted monsters, and goofy monsters!
 UOI Summative Presentations- Everyone did so well with their summatie presentations!!  I can discuss more detail about their summative assessment and marks during student conferences later this month.

We also had reading buddies with Ms. Cass's class!

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Thursday, Nov. 22nd - Day 5

Gym- Please see Ms. Yustin's blog
Healthy Snack
Language - we sang the letter m jolly phonics song:
Then, we listed words we have heard this week that begin with the letter M
Christmas Concert practice - we practiced singing our song for the upcoming Christmas concert.
Recess/ Lunch
Music- Please see Mr. Flower's blog
Morning Circle- We sang our days of the week and months of the year song. We talked about how we dress for the weather and what our weather is today.
Summative Presentations - Great work to our classmates who presented today!

Math- Today the JKs learned about tally marks!  Tally marks are used regularly when we are recording data for data management and today we learned how to recognize the number for each tally mark.

Inquiry Centres
Pack up/ Story Time
French- Please see Mlle. Jessica's blog

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Wednesday, November 21st - Day 6

Hello everyone,

Well done to those students who presented today!  Looking forward to our last set of presentations tomorrow :)

 For language, we practiced recognizing upper and lowercase letters.  Students coloured in the uppercase M's, red, and the lowercase m's blue. 

A reminder that picture retakes are tomorrow.   If you would like your child to retake their photo, please fill out the 'retake-request' box in the proofs envelope. 

Tuesday, Nov. 20th- Day 4

Hello Everyone,

A reminder that picture day is this Thursday, November 22nd.

Gym- please see Ms. Yustin's blog
Healthy Snack
We completed our letter scavenger hunt!

Summative Presentations!  Great work today, everyone!  It was great to see the healthy foods our friends brought to class today.

 Math- Today the JKs sorted big and small items.

Inquiry Centres
Pack up/ Story Time
French- Please see Mlle. Jessica's blog
Dismissal in the Cafeteria